Friday, August 23, 2013

Mantel Inspiration.

Today and yesterday have been one of those days. Yesterday Aiden did not want to go to school. Like, at all. It is only the kids third day and he was having a fit about going. Obviously I made him go, but he was not at all happy about it. I dropped him off and one of his teachers picked him up and brought him over to drop his backpack off in his cubby. As I was walking away I decided to look in the window to see how he was doing. I was hoping he was better. NEVER. LOOK. BACK. He was standing around the time, while all the other kids were sitting, and all the teachers looking at him while yelling "I DON'T WANT TO!!"... Yes, I could hear him through the closed windows. In fact, these windows don't ever open, so you can imagine he was probably pretty loud. I felt awful. Awful for Aiden because I wonder if he has outside influences telling him they do not like school - therefore he repeats what he hears. And awful for the teachers. Those poor teachers.

When I picked him up, Ms. Cheryl, his teacher, said he cried for about five minutes and then when she was rolling a Play-Dough snake, he picked it up, said it was a Ninja thing, threw it, and he was happy from there on out!

But on to my mantel. Our last home did not have one so I am so exited about this house having one! Last night in class, while I should have been paying attention to someone talk, I found myself imagining our mantel. Here are some of the mantels from Pinterest that I adore!

I love the bottom of this fireplace. The lantern, baskets, and small bench is adorable!

On an interior design website awhile back I read something about every family room mantel needs art. It need color to bring the room alive. I love mirrors. But, I think I may go out of my mirror comfort zone and actually use artwork to brighten up the room. My husband wants to mount the TV over the fireplace. NOT happening! I hope you enjoy these lovely mantels as much as I have! 


  1. Love them all!! Great inspiration. Especially that sunburst mirror in the first one and the overall feel of the third one. I've been meaning to find some kind of vessel to hold branches like that! Can't wait to see what your mantel ends up as!

    1. Thank you! I have been itching to decorate and can't believe I still have to wait two months! I LOVE that sunburst mirror!
