Some baby registry advice:
1. Get your friends opinions on things they loved - it will help you narrow down choices
2. Go to the store and try out the different stroller. Fold them up, walk around with them, see how heavy they are, that way you know what you are getting yourself into!
3. Start online. Research your crib and bedding and see which one you like, then add them to your online registry
4. Add diapers to your registry
5. You won't need a high chair for at least 4 months, probably more like 6, so don't register for it unless you know you don't want to buy it for yourself in a few months
6. I can't stress enough, have extra sheets!
7. Buy a changing table. Leaning over on the floor hurts, and babies will get pee or poop on your bed!
8. Do not buy the little 5 ounce bottles. Just get the 9 ounce ones from the beginning. You will need the big ones eventually and it will save you time and money from having to go out and get new ones when your baby starts drinking more!I hope this list helps you all as much as it helped me!
This is Awesome! thank you for sharing! Will post it on our Facebook page