Friday, August 9, 2013

Back-to-school teacher gift.

After filtering through many interest boards, as well as asking teacher friends what their favorite "beginning of school-year gift" was, I concluded coffee was the winner. I looked all over the place for a cute saying to put on the label of the gift for Aiden's new teacher, but could not find any new school year sayings.

A cute one was "Thanks a latte" but that doesn't really work for the beginning of the year... here are some other ones I was thinking while trying to be creative:

  • You're gonna need a latte after my kid...
  • Sorry a latte you have to deal with crazy Aido
  • ....
The list goes on! I am not sorry, he is an adorable, polite, W.I.L.D child. But I have a feeling a lot of his  daily reports will involve Aiden saying things like "You are an alien and I am buzz, I will kill you..." I don't exactly know how that will fly - but hey! we will see! 

A few cute other ideas I found were:

Then I remembered the gifts that my lovely friend Katy made for her nurses when he sweet, little son was born! You can check her post out here! I decided to do something similar for Aiden's first teacher!

Supplies needed:
  • Starbucks gift card
  • Starbucks grande iced cup with dome top and the bigger straw
  • Sticky cardstock
  • White & tan crinkle paper
  • Ribbon
  • Double sided tape
  • Decorative scissors

I had originally chosen a red burlap, then I saw the polka dots and wanted to try both. The red burlap was not giving me a pretty bow so I opted for the polka dot one! It looks much more simple and better!

Below is the label I made from Photoshop. The font is cool king. 

This card was a little too wide to fit down in the cup. I cut about 1/4 of an inch off of each side and slid it down into the cup.

I am so excited for him to start this new school journey! I get just as giddy about him doing new things as I did with milestones like crawling, walking, etc! What are your go-to teacher gifts?

1 comment:

  1. Aw Caitlin!! I'm glad you liked that :) thanks for the link-- it turned out really cute!!
