Monday, January 18, 2016

Weekly Dinner on Pinterest

Last year when we were discussing whether or not to add another family member to our family, we decided that if we were going to have three children, we would need to cut back on other luxuries like eating out almost every night. One month, I went through our bank statement, and we spent over $800 just on eating out - NOT. OKAY. So, for the majority of 2015 we have eaten at home and spend no more than $100 on eating out weekly, that includes Starbucks, energy drinks, what have you.

I always see so many posts about people not knowing what to cook during the week, and posts about wanting to switch up their menu, so I thought I would share our weekly recipes about what we are eating throughout the week in case you would like to add something new to your dinner rotation!

Check out my Pinterest Board on Sunday night's for the updated recipes!

Here is this week's menu: (I cannot promise to post a blog about it weekly, but I will remind you on my Instagram, and will definitely update Pinterest)

Creamy Balsamic and Herb Chicken

Crockpot Fiesta Chicken and Rice Bowl

CPK Kung Pao Spaghetti

French Dip Sandwiches

I hope you enjoy! 

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