Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Leila: two months old!

I cannot believe my little peanut is already two months old, and growing like a weed. I am happy she is getting bigger, but also sad that this was my last full month off with her before my practicum starts and I will be gone 4 days a week (WAH!) I seriously am going to be a mess leaving her, and with Aiden starting Kindergarten, August is going to be a bundle of emotions!

July 29, 2015

Weight: 10 pounds, 15.2 ounces
Length: 22.5 inches

This little nugget is getting SO big! She switched from size one diapers to size two diapers. She is so long so she needs taller diapers and the size two work so much better! She is still in size 0-3 month clothing and they are starting to be "v-neck" because of how long she is, so she might be switching to 3 - 6 month jammies pretty soon! 

Some nicknames we have for her are: Beadies, Leil-y, and Leggy-bug (Luke's name for lady bug)
Heath issues: Her reflux is still an issue, but it is getting better little by little. She also got a little cold this month but is on the mend.
Sleep: She has slept through the night three times. She is pretty inconsistent with her sleeping habits. Sometimes she sleeps nine hours and sometimes she sleeps three. We prefer the nine. 
Diet: 100% nursing. She hates formula. 
Baby gear love: Still loves her swing, bouncy chair, and Rock-n-Play. She also has been sitting in the Bumbo here and there. 
Likes: loves being held, her swing, her little lovey-bunny, her wubba-nub, being bounced in her bouncy chair, smiling, cozy blankets
Dislikes: formula, being flat on her back, really loud noises

She is such a smiley and happy baby. Even when she wakes up far to early in the morning, she has the best smiles, so at least she makes it worth it! 

Some photos from this past month:

Those eyelashes! ;)

Happy two months, Leila! 

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