We got to the hospital on Thursday and got all checked in and ready for Cervadil, thinking I would get pitocin on Friday morning once my cervix was completely thin. I was already 3 cm dilated when we arrived and 60% effaced. Because I was having contractions on my own, I did not need the Cervadil (yay!). By 9:00 p.m. I was able to get the epidural and the Pitocin. At this point, I thought she would be there in less than 5 hours because that is how my labors were with both of my boys.
As the night went on, nothing was happening and contractions were actually dying down despite being on Pitocin. I stayed at 5 cm all night, and only moved to 6.5 cm by 6 a.m. I was connected to all of the machines, but the blood pressure machine was the death of me that night. It checks blood pressure every 15 minutes, and if something is not right, the alarm goes off and the nurse has to come reset the beeping. Well, my blood pressure drops every time I fall asleep. So every time I fell asleep, the beeping alarms went off. I asked if they could take the blood pressure machine off, but because I had an epidural, they couldn't. So, ZERO minutes of sleep Thursday night.
Friday morning my doctor made it in to break my water at 8:00 a.m. Around 10:15 I felt a lot of pressure and asked to be checked, and they said I was only 8 c.m. Ten minutes later I asked them to cheek again and they laughed at me, but did it regardless. Her head was VERY close to just being on the bed, that is how much she had descended. They told me to not laugh or she would come out, called my doctor over from his office (a few minutes away), and one push and she was here at 10:33 in the morning!
My husband was able to fully pull her out, which was a new experience this time around. She screamed for the whole hour they were drying her off. She HATES not wearing clothes (good girl!) and wanted to be super cozy and warm. After doing extended cord connection and skin-to-skin, the cord was cut and the nurses came in to check her about an hour after she was born. After her hour of screaming, she has been pretty calm ever since.
On Friday night, these poor souls had a baby that screamed ALL. NIGHT. LONG. It kept us up all night and after not sleeping one minute Thursday night, I was exhausted and irritated their child was keeping me up. Needless to say, I was so happy to be leaving on Saturday morning. But then, Leila's blood work came back saying she had high bilirubin levels and we couldn't leave. They had to cancel our discharge paperwork and we had to stay until at least 5 p.m. to do more blood work. Fortunately she was slightly below the high danger zone at 6 p.m. and they let us go home with the exception we would come back Sunday to have her blood drawn again. She HATES having her heel pricked (who wouldn't) and it has been done 5 times now and she is OVER it!
Trying to lower her bilirubin levels
On the way home
There was an adorable outfit picked out from Gymboree for her, but we took it off once we weren't going home to save it. Then, hours later when she "passed" her test, and we were allowed to go home, we didn't want to disrupt her because of her hatred for being changed and naked, so she wore a non-going-home outfit home. Oh well, such is life!
She has a tongue tie and more blood work this week, so we have a very busy week of doctors appointments and spending time with family! We have been so thankful to have my sister in law and brother in law watch our boys for us while we were in the hospital. As well as the friends and family that visited us while we were there. Then we have had family come over today and bring lunch and dinner, and my mom cleaned our house. What more could you ask for? Oh, the sweetest of sweet baby girls!
We are seriously over the moon in love with her!
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