Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Pinterest Challenge: Matchbox Car rack

We have serious problems with toy organization in our house. If you have ever seen the play area in our basement, you already know this. I am always looking for fun and unique ways to organize our toys. When Aiden was using Pinterest he came across this project and asked if we could do it for his room - it seemed simple enough so we went for it one week when my husband was out of town.


  • Two cans of spray paint (paint and primer) 
  • 2 packages shoe racks from Bed, Bath, and Beyond
  • Drop cloth
  • L Brackets with two holes on each side (6)
  • Screws and Molly's to hang the racks

First, you have to lay your drop cloth and spray paint these racks. You can throw all of the extra wood pieces away, just keep the rack part.

After letting them dry, stack them two wide and use L brackets to screw them together. Drill pilot holes so the wood does not split, then use a screw driver. 

Lastly, attach the three separate pieces to the wall using a molly and screw. We attached them close together so it looks like there is one solid piece. 

So far it has kept the cars organized and clean! 

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