Saturday, August 29, 2015

Leila: three months old!

How is my baby 1/4 of the way through her first year already?! I swear, every kid you have, the faster they grow up. It just isn't fair!

August 29, 2015

Leila is growing like a weed! She is still in size two diapers but I honestly feel like she could jump to a three because of how long she is. She is wearing 3 - 6 month clothing and fills them out very nicely! She is definitely starting to get a little meat on her bones! 

Some nicknames we have for her are: Leil-y, and Leggy have stuck! 
Heath issues: Just this past week she got another little cold from her older brothers, which we expected because Aiden started kindergarten and is now exposed to more germs. She seems to be doing better and much less stuffy. She is still on medicine for her reflux, and it has been very helpful! 
Sleep: Before she got her cold she was sleeping 11 - 12 hours straight, we were so rested and it was so nice. Then after her cold, she has been sleeping between 7 and 8 hours straight. Hopefully she will go back to her 11 - 12 hour stretches soon. 
Diet: 100% breastmilk 
Baby gear love: She is happiest if someone is holding her. I guess I would say her Rock-n-Play is her favorite since she sleeps in it at night and has recently started napping in it!
Likes: loves being held, her little lovey-bunny and hippo, her wubba-nub, being bounced in her bouncy chair, smiling, cozy blankets, her lovies on both sides of her face when she goes to sleep
Dislikes: formula, being flat on her back, really loud noises, when her brothers yell, when daddy kisses her neck with beard hair, being cold after bath

She is the calmest, happiest baby ever. She literally just hangs out, watches what is going on, and smiles. If I could guarantee to have one more just like her, I totally would. We love her to the moon and back, she is the best! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Upholstery decisions: the tale of an ugly chair.

So I have THE most comfortable nursery chair in Leila's nursery but it is kind of ugly. Not nasty, hideous ugly, but it ain't pretty, folks. Not only does it not scream feminine, floral nursery.... it has this sort of wind breaker material that is noisy and when I have to stand up with a sleepy baby it startles her. We had it in Luke's nursery and it worked a little bit better for a little dude nursery, but it was still not awesome.

So I went to and found 8 different fabric choices that I love. Like, I could picture this chair with all of the swatches. So I am asking you this... please help me decide which one you would think would look better in this nursery?

Whoops, ignore the fact that five and six are exactly the same! Whoops! Leila has a blanket in this print and it is adorable... but I love the others too! Ah, help me! 

Oh, and I will be staining or painting the wooden rails! 

Aiden's First Day of Kindergarten

Holy moly, I cannot believe I have a kid in kindergarten. Every day he is so much more grown up and I sure am going to miss his help during the days. He only goes to school Monday, Wednesdays and some various Friday's, but he helps me so much with Leila!

We had Back to School night on Monday and afterwards we went over to my in-laws house for dinner. When we were at Back to School night he found his name in the scavenger hunt and noticed that it was in lowercase, when we usually practice all uppercase when writing. When he drew his name in chalk at my inlaws, he added a dot to the top of his eye and said that is how they do it in kindergarten. It was adorable.

He couldn't find his glasses, so my old ones had to do. 

Walking up to school. 

Officially a kindergartener. 

The crew. 

Little morning pow wow before school starts. Pep talks or bug talk?

Berto walking him to his door. 

Luke saying goodbye!

I literally cannot believe school has already started. Wasn't it just the end of preschool?! He has come a long way since he cried every single time I dropped him off at preschool! Today he just waved bye to us and walked right in! 




I hope he has the best school year ever!! 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Back to School: Teacher's gift.

This idea isn't terribly creative, and is similar to the other gifts Aiden has given his preschool teachers, but I think it is useful in many ways!

I decided to take something that was on his supply list and grab an extra pack. This is something the teacher asked for so she must use them a lot! 

I cannot believe my little man is starting Kindergarten on Wednesday. That is the saddest thing ever.  You may just catch me down at the park spying during recess! 

Cup: Target
Expo markers: Target
Tags: Target (so cute!)
Crinkle Paper: Hobby Lobby
Ribbon: Michaels