Monday, January 16, 2017

2017: Home Resolutions

We did not do too many home improvements last year because I was busy finishing my Masters degree and Berto was traveling a lot for work! This year we decided to set some goals of home improvements we want for our home.

1. Penny tile our laundry room. The room is decorated, for the most part. The flooring is gross though. Richmond homes did not have the tile we wanted when we were building so we chose builder grade linoleum. This has got to go!!

2. Add a counter to our laundry room. This would be super convenient to have. Right now our washing machine is so wiggly that it wiggles everything on top of it. It would be nice to have something that finishes the room and a place I can fold the laundry. 

3. Add a Barn Door to separate the master bathroom and master bedroom. Right now there is no door and it can be frustrating when I have to get up for work and Berto is off that day, or vise versa! We love these doors.

4. Possibly add a new front door, depending on the cost! We love our door, because it is MASSIVE. But, we also would like something that lets more natural light inside. Like these...

5. Decorate our new patio and nourish our new trees. This past year we planted 11 trees on our lot. Most are aspens and one is a pine. We also planted two hydrangeas and are hoping they take off with big blooms! Here is our patio and some ideas for it!

Hopefully we can accomplish these this year! I will try to post pictures as we change things! :) Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Family Photos: 2016

Now that Christmas cards have all been sent off and the holiday season has settled down, I can finally post these photos! I love, love, love the way they turned out! When we are back in southern California I will definitely be reaching out to Shane York Photography!

Sometimes at night I find myself just looking over these photos and they make my heart so full. My favorite little people all behind one lens, how magical!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

One Sweet Christmas: 2016

I love Christmas season. I always have and after having children, I love it even more! I love the twinkling lights inside and out, the ambiance the lit tree gives off in the family room, excited kids pitter patter, and everything surrounding the season.... Here are a few of my favorite pictures from this Christmas!

Now that the tree and lights are down, the house is getting back to normal and I am envisioning the fun decor things I can do this year! Happy New Year!