Friday, March 27, 2015

30 weeks.

I can't believe it! When I had my ultra screen in my first trimester, the news was daunting. To be told your placenta may not survive, therefore losing the pregnancy, I was emotionally exhausted. And to have made it thus far without any more major complications is a GIANT relief.

30 weeks

How far along: 30 weeks 
Total weight gain: 14 lbs.(ish)
Baby is the size of a: a butternut squash
Maternity clothes: Yes
Stretch marks: Not yet, and I just picked up more of this amazing stuff… I sweat by it. I used it religiously with Aiden and did not get one single stretch mark… Luke on the other hand, I was lucky to have made it out of bed for 38 weeks… so I missed many days!
Sleep: Getting worse by the week… but I am trying to remain positive about everything, because this is our last baby and I should savor these moments...
Best moment of this week: Getting lots of baby stuff done!
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Chocolate anything
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really… if I miss taking a Unisom at night I will wake up not feeling well, but I remember almost every night!
Aches or pains: My ridiculous gallbladder is starting its shenanigans up again!
Have you started to show yet: Yes 
Gender: GIRL!! 
Labor signs: When I get upset with the boys during the week… I can usually feel contractions. I am a constant referee and it definitely takes a toll on me...
Belly button in or out: The top half is out
Wedding rings on or off: On
What are you dreaming about: Weird dreams about trips, weddings, old friends….

Some things I got done this week….
  • Washed newborn baby clothes
  • Registered for the things needed for the third baby (a whole other post)
  • Packed hospital bag for baby
  • Boiled new nipples, washed baby bottles, stocked up the cabinet with bottles and Medela supplies
Things I still need to get done….
  • Pre-register at the hospital (I don't need the tour, been there, done that!)
  • Pack my bag and buy a few more comfy clothes
  • Wash the bouncy seat cover, the Rock-N-Play cover, and the swing cover
  • Make sure my Medela pump still works (Do not waste your money on any other pump… trust me)
  • Buy everything on my registry (I am not having a shower, but once you register, you get 15% off when completing your registry, and who wouldn't want 15% off?!)
  • Stock up on after baby supplies
  • Buy a lamp for the nursery
  • Do a project with my late grandmother's broaches for the nursery

Well, if you made it through this novel and somewhat boring post, yay you! 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

A few sneak peeks of LC's room.

I took a few photos today of baby girl's room, but I still have a few small things to add, as well as a lamp. I can't wait to call this room complete, although I know I will always be changing things up! :)

Hopefully I will have a full post up by the time she arrives! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Small paint project: Numero Uno!

Awhile ago I posted on my Facebook page that we were working on two small paint projects, like really small. Two quarts small. This is the beginning story of the first one.


It was white and washed out. I love the look of black doors, but our house has VERY dark features (floors & cabinets) and I did not think black would go over very well in the general scheme of things….


Paint color: Elephant Skin by Behr in Satin

I still need to add some decoration to this area, but I am just not sure yet what I want to do. I think on the wall where there is a night light, I want to add some hooks for the boys to hang their school bags, lightweight jackets, dog leash, etc. 

We carried the navy blue from our family room into the entry way, which I really love. We also added blinds and a basket. My husband leaves for work REALLY early and constantly leaves his stuff laying around downstairs and the boys like to strip their clothes throughout the day. Now I have a basket there to put things that need to go upstairs in the evening, which makes the stairs look a lot less messy. 

Eventually these walls will have the same paint color as our family room, kitchen, and dining area. That requires hiring someone to do it because of how tall the ceilings are, and that just is not in the budget anytime soon! We will also replace the light fixture eventually, but I just have not found the perfect one yet! 

I am so fortunate that the model we built has SO many windows… There are 12 windows letting in natural light to our main floor alone - a MAJOR bonus! 

I also love the pattern of this rug from Target.

I made sure to get an indoor/outdoor rug this time because our last rug did not fare so well with the elements of weather in Colorado! 

Thats all for now! As soon as I get this area a little more decorated I will post an update!

Friday, March 20, 2015

29 weeks.

I seriously cannot believe I have made it this far in my pregnancy without any major body aches or pains. My second pregnancy battle with HG was pure hell and there was not one day until I delivered that I did not feel like slowly dying. This also scares me because my pregnancy with Aiden was easy-peasy and he is quite the difficult child. He is also a gemini, and this baby will most likely be one as well… what was I thinking with that one?!

I really need to get a floor lamp for the baby's room and do a cute craft with my grandmother's broaches and then I might call it a day. We are also in the process of getting some things for Luke's big boy room so we do not have to splurge all at once to get things, and he got his first thing tonight, a giant giraffe! He is such an animal lover - I love that!

Well anyway…

29 weeks

How far along: 29 weeks 
Total weight gain: 14 lbs.(ish)
Baby is the size of a: a small cabbage
Maternity clothes: Yes
Stretch marks: Not yet, but I have a few from Luke and they seem to be brighter than normal…. SHIT. 
Sleep: Okay, not great.
Best moment of this week: I am not going to lie, this week was hard. It actually was pretty awful. Aiden has had some major behavioral issues and as I get further along, I literally have a very difficult time handling him and his tantrums. He gets mean and talks back… then he starts hitting and throwing things and screaming. It is awful. I literally could have dropped him off on the corner of a mountain this week until he got over his madness...
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular
Anything making you queasy or sick: When I do too much, I feel sort of sick. Also, when I am tired I don't feel so well.
Aches or pains: Back pains, sciatica, you know, the usual subsequent pregnancy stuff!
Have you started to show yet: Yes 
Gender: GIRL!! 
Labor signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out: The top half is out
Wedding rings on or off: On
What are you dreaming about: Vacation and no school work! :) Both of which will not be happening any time soon!

I am on Spring Break this week and have big plans to get baby clothes washed, my bags packed, organize cabinets, and sell the remaining boy clothes we have! Even though my husband really wants another baby after this one, I am going to say we are 95% done with kids. This first trimester was hard and I will be working in the near future and I will feel bad being a stay at home mom with the other kids, but not the baby! Plus, we love our house and only have four bedrooms!

Monday, March 16, 2015

28 weeks.

This will be short and sweet.

28 weeks

How far along: 28 weeks 
Total weight gain: 14 lbs.
Baby is the size of a: Head of cauliflower
Maternity clothes: Yes
Stretch marks: No but I am getting itchy… Need to head to the Body Shop and get some more cocoa butter!
Sleep: Okay, not great.
Best moment of this week: The weather has been AMAZING! I had my 28 week appointment and gained 7 pounds in the last month. Ut-oh! Also, her heartbeat is at 145 and she is a MOVER!
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Chocolate and pizza.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really 
Aches or pains: Just normal pregnancy pains
Have you started to show yet: Yes 
Gender: GIRL!! 
Labor signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out: The top half is out
Wedding rings on or off: On
What are you dreaming about: I don't think I sleep deeply enough to dream!

Hopefully I will have room pictures up soon! It is mostly done minus some last minute touches. Next week I am on break from school and I have lots of baby laundry to get done! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

27 weeks

This post will be short because this week has been exhausting, and this weekend is not going to slow down much either!

27 weeks

How far along: 27 weeks 
Total weight gain: 7 lbs (ish)
Baby is the size of a: Cucumber
Maternity clothes: Yes
Stretch marks: Not yet, but I definitely feel some stretching going on...
Sleep: So so. And, it is probably about to get worse because Luke has managed to climb out of his crib!
Best moment of this week: Is it bad if I say nothing? I am over the snow and cold, and I stupidly shoveled which hurt my pelvis really bad from wednesday on...
Movement: Lots!
Food cravings: Pretty much just chocolate. I need to be careful though, between 27 and 29 weeks with Luke I gained A LOT of weight… so I am going to do my best to slow it down these next few weeks.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really 
Aches or pains: I repeat: DO. NOT. SHOVEL. SNOW. It hurts.
Have you started to show yet: Yes 
Gender: GIRL!! 
Labor signs: Not yet
Belly button in or out: Starting to get a little poke
Wedding rings on or off: On
What are you dreaming about: Nothing really

I think that is all for now. Nothing new happened this week because of homework and being stressed. I did paint something last weekend and hopefully I will have time to paint the other thing this weekend…. pictures to come...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Non-candy Easter basket ideas.

Now that the blog is up and running sort of smoothly again, I thought I would post something I can pin to Pinterest! Before I was used to buying things for Aiden, it was hard for me to come up with practical ideas for things like stockings and Easter baskets. Now that I know better, and I am a little bit smarter with money because of multiple children - I buy things they will need and things they love. I always usually throw something they have mentioned they want in there as well!

First, I always add a book and a movie. Books are pretty pricey, but they last awhile and kids LOVE them! Plus, everyone loves the smell of a new book!

Then, I always add a movie they are into at the moment. Both boys are loving Big Hero 6, so I am sure the Easter bunny will bring one of them this movie.

Second, they will both need a new swim suit for the summer, as well as some goggles - so why not throw it in the basket and act like it is a present - you will be buying it at one point anyway!

New underwear is always needed, and hopefully Luke will be potty trained within the next year, so he will need underwear at some point too. Aiden also just went up into little boy sizes, no more toddler sizes. WAH - stop growing child! 

Both boys have had a recent interest in Angry Birds, so they will probably get something along those lines as their "present" in the basket!

Also chalk and small animal creatures have always been a big deal in this house - we go through them SO quickly, and they are fun and keep both boys busy. Also, bath toys never get old!

This summer may be slightly different for the boys since we will have a newborn with us… that means less pool dates and more front yard play dates. Playing in the front yard is 1000 times easier than taking two kids to the pool anyway - because, they like to go places where they cannot survive without adult supervision. Plus, newborn naps are all over the place and I want to keep the baby out of the sun as much as possible for the first few months!

I also will be putting *some* candy in their baskets, because they are now old enough to love it, and who doesn't want some good candy in their Easter basket?!