Monday, February 20, 2012

Kitchen Update.

We started painted our kitchen almost three weeks ago. The flu caught up with our family and we had to take a week break. But, this past weekend we were on a roll and got the cabinet doors back on and the hardware installed!

Currently we are working on the beadboard along the side where there used to be a wood colored laminate panel. The beadboard looks much better, and matches the white cabinets so much better! We chose a vinyl laminate, which was recommended by the guys at Home Depot because of the versatility in the kitchen setting!

Here is what our kitchen is looking like these days:

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Master bedroom inspiration.

Our bedroom has been painted, the bedding has been bought, but no joke, it is the biggest room in the house, and it still looks so empty. We sort of have a timeline to get things 'together' looking before my little brothers' wedding on July 28th. I put together an inspiration board to try and get things rolling. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Diary of a sick kid.

The house projects have come to a drastic stop because our little one is sick. The sniffles started Friday morning, it was a full blown cold on Saturday, by Sunday he was having diarrhea, which caused us to leave the Superbowl Party early! (Go Giants - by the way!) On Sunday night my husband was reading to him before bed and screams downstairs to me to come help him, Aiden had just thrown up everywhere!

When he says everywhere, I mean everywhere. It was all over the rocking chair, covered the majority of the floor that was exposed, even hit the crib from across the room! YUCK.

I whipped out the shot spot and started to get to work. It also just so happened that Monday was my laundry day and he was wearing the last clean pair of pajamas that were clean. Luckily, I had put poopy pants in the wash along with some other things when we got home, so we only had to wait about twenty minutes for the jammies to dry! After giving him some water, cleaning the room, it was back to bed he went!

He slept through the night, but was still sick in the morning. It wasn't until nap time the true nastiness of a sick baby came out. He had a massive explosion. Need I not go into details. Needless to say, bumpers, quilt, blankets, sheets, mattress pad, and every stuffed animal had to go in the wash. I went to town with Green Works on his crib disinfecting everything, even the mattress. The window was open to air out the smell, a candle was lit, and it still smelled.

We were supposed to have out carpets cleaned last Friday, but due to the snow storm, they cancelled. THANK GOODNESS!

So, for those of you with little kids, getting them to eat the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) diet when you have a picky little eater is impossible. We chose to go the au natural route of Culturelle for Kids. It is an amazing probiotic to help get tummies back to normal!

All he wants are Oreo cookies and spaghettios. When I say no... this is what I get....

But, because I am a giant pushover for my sick little nugget, I say fine. Eat what you need to eat. And I get this...

Much better! At least even at his sickest, he can still smile! 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Kitchen start.

The kitchen revamp has begun! Back in November it looked like this... and now, it is going to be getting a makeover. Wood colored cabinets are so out. So, we are going WHITE! There are many different images that we have used to determine how we want our kitchen to look....

See! White is in! Yesterday we began by taking off all of the cabinets, taking out all of the hardware, and removing the child proof locks! 

Each of this little bags with a number in it belongs to these.... 

Then, we sanded all of the cabinets and the frames and then deglossed them... we are doing a two - tone look, it doesn't make sense to paint the insides of the cabinets when they are much more likely to get scratched because of the dishes and glasses! 

On the frames we have one coat of primer and one coat of paint! Tonight yields painting the first coat of primer on the backs of the cabinets in our garage! Tomorrow, the last and final coat of paint will be added to the frames, then those will be done!

We are using Benjamin Moore Advanced Paint in a satin finish (Cloud Cover) and the primer is Zissner Smart Prime! Both are low-voc and biodegradable! 

And... this is how Aiden helps! Stay tuned for more kitchen updates! We plan to be done on Tuesday! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Lens

I am happy to announce I found a new, amazing camera lens on Craig's List for my camera! It is a 35mm f/1.8 and I love it! :) I am so excited to get outside and shoot some pictures of Aiden! Here are some that have poor lighting, but you get the point!

Oh, how I love baby feet! Aiden has my husband's feet. We call them "shrimp toes!" 

See all of those nifty broken crayons! I have a neat little trick coming for all of you with kids/dogs/husbands that step on crayons! 

My wonderful husband also bought me a new computer! I got the new MacBook Pro! I am so excited! My other MacBook was just not cutting it anymore (I HATE YOU RAINBOW SPINNING WHEEL!) Now, my life is amazing!

I also just booked my trip to California to see my best friend! She is due February 5th! But right now she is 80% effaced and one centimeter dilated! I am so excited for her!